วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung makes quiet push for new mobile OS Tizen to challenge Android

   SEOUL , South Korea - Most cell phone users have never heard of Tizen . Neither car owners or anyone with a refrigerator .

Samsung Electronics Co. wants to change that .

    The South Korean electronics giant is in a quiet push to use part of its technology lexicon Tizen OS as familiar as Google 's Android or Apple's iOS . The ambition does not stop there. Samsung sees the software in your car , fridge and TV also .

     The first developer conference in Asia for Tizen packed after a two-day run , app developers and supporters of Tizen Samsung , Intel and mobile operators to bring . Together Tuesday

     Samsung has a Tizen phone not announce , but it made a pitch for developers to make the mobile operating system that can still be seen in the market apps. Samsung promised to spend $ 4 million in cash to the creators of the best Tizen apps.

     Samsung shipped about a third of the smartphones sold in the third quarter , nearly all run on Google 's Android worldwide. His early bet on Google's free- of-charge operating system Samsung served well and rise of the company to top smartphone vendor also helped Android become the most widely used mobile platform in the world . According Localytics , is 63 percent of all Android mobile devices in use are made by Samsung .

     But while Samsung was hugely successful with the sale of its Galaxy phones and tablets , it had little success in locking Galaxy devices in music , messaging and other services Samsung . Google , however, benefited from more people using the search service , Google Play app and other mobile applications from Google Galaxy smartphones . Owners of Galaxy devices remain a slave for most of Google 's Android update schedule and its rules .

      About nine in 10 smartphone users are bound to either Google 's Android or Apple 's iPhone ecosystem , generating profits for Google and Apple every time they purchase a game or application on their smartphone .

     That's partly the reason why Samsung wants to expand beyond hardware to software , its control by building its own mobile operating system .

     "With only the hardware , its influence is limited , " said Kang Yeen - kyu , an associate research fellow at the state-run Korea Information Society Development Institute . "The purpose of Samsung is an ecosystem focused on Samsung settle . "

      The consolidation of global technology companies in recent years reflects such trends . Apple always has its own operating system for the iPhone. Google Inc. acquired Motorola Mobility in 2011, Microsoft Corp. announced in September its plans to buy Nokia Corp. , making Samsung the only major player in the smartphone market , that does not make its own operating system .

     Samsung executives told analysts last week that the company plans to beef up its software competitive position through acquisitions and splashing cash on the development of mobile content and services .

     But Tizen 's start appears bumpy . Samsung said earlier this year the first Tizen phone would hit the market this fall , but it has not materialized . Samsung declined to comment on the release of updates comment.

      Even though Choi Jong- deok , Samsung 's executive vice - president of the surveillance of Tizen , said a launch of Tizen phone or televisions will happen " very soon " , analysts said Samsung is unlikely to reveal the first Tizen device to February the next year , when the company said it will announce . winners are Tizen app contest

      At the developer conference , Samsung gave more clues about how her first Tizen device would look and found that they recently launched a Tizen - based camera in South Korea .

     Tizen would work in a wide range of consumer electronics made ​​by Samsung , includes mobile devices , televisions, refrigerators and portable devices . The mobile operating system will also work with cars . Samsung and Intel said Toyota Motor Corp. and Jaguar Land Rover are working together to Tizen OS to bring vehicles.

     " You can apply once relatively easy to build and move from device to device , " Mark Skarpness , director of systems engineering at Intel Corp. , told the conference .

      Samsung and Intel are also aimed to capture the emerging markets where the demand for cheaper smartphones grows . Towards a larger share of the company Skarpness said future versions of Tizen will support lower - end phones , the same direction that Google takes with its latest version of Android , KitKat .

        "I got the impression that Tizen is benchmarking Android ," said Park Minhyung , a developer who attended the conference . " Speakers at the session said that they adopted strong features of Android . But with Android's rather well established in the market , I wonder how Tizen would undermine . The leader "

