วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung wants to bring the cars Tizen

    These days intense being well as information concerning Tizen relates . This environment , that we were seeing it change between MeeGo mid - project that was born and died with the Nokia N9 , with the help of the Finnish and Intel - and Bada OS with a clear - Samsung - flavored , and has been featured in a device the camera NX300M of South Korea . But since the multinational leader in sales of phones and smartphones , have advanced plans for this ecosystem developed with Intel . And the prospects are anticipated very inclusive in terms of the type of devices you would see running Tizen .

     The last thing that is known is that Tizen might come preinstalled on motor Toyota, Jaguar and Land Rover. From the South Korean media ET News echo negotiations that Samsung could be carried out with the companies responsible for the manufacture of these vehicles , with a view to making smart choices gradually become a place of privilege in the art of any newly developed car are stocked Tizen hand .

     The Korean said means also refers to the very enlightening statements Mark Skarpness , head of the American department dedicated Intel Systems Engineering in the Centre open source technology . According to these, Tizen features make it a perfect environment if we want to adapt to the needs of a very diverse nature equipment . This would support the idea that was already being planted in recent days, and that shows the possibility we see Tizen 3.0 on smart phones , tablets , TVs , cameras and even refrigerators, Skarpness said .

    This team leader Intel also announced that it is working hard to get that reach Tizen devices be fully efficient with low RAM memory load , which greatly expand the fork of devices that could be made to work with the platform. He also noted that it would be during the third quarter of next year when they would be ready to give out the most complete version of the system.

    This confirms that a trend this year began to show signs of strength in 2014 will be a new field of competition between manufacturers : the operating system . At this time, there are four settings that govern the contest : Android , iOS , Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS , in order of market presence . But a while now witnessing the proliferation of new environments such as Firefox OS , Ubuntu or Jolla , who will join the natural heir to MeeGo . Recall that the failed platform was also designed to operate in a multitude of devices, ranging from smart phones tablets , through netbooks, GPS devices and even, as in the case becoming visible , onboard computers in motor vehicles.

