วันพุธที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Proof Samsung Android 4.4 on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

     One of the highlights of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 when it was presented was in his native platform : Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Thus, it became one of the pioneers in integrating from day one what was then the latest version of Google operating system for smartphones. Today , we know , Android 4.3 has lost the category of exception, and it is Android version 4.4 KitKat is placed at the top of the ecosystem. However, it seems that the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 does not want to lose its distinctive character, and the guys at Samsung would have put to work to maintain the luster .

      We say this because according to published in the specialized portal SamMobile , the South Korean multinational is already testing the Android 4.4 operating KitKat on Samsung Galaxy Note 3 . The solvency of SamMobile in this sense is legit , and ties in with the fact that Samsung every time better care aspect of updates to their devices , especially with the range Galaxy S and Galaxy Note. Nevertheless , it is unknown how long it could take the company to test the platform in its next generation tabletófono , so do not give estimated dates to help us locate the arrival of Android 4.4 at the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 .

        For now, only been known for sure that would be the Samsung Galaxy S4 and own Samsung Galaxy Note 3 of the entire park company smartphones . We might think that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or Samsung Galaxy S3 would be candidates to be running Android 4.4 KitKat . However, the announcement by Google on the Galaxy Nexus , the model that preceded the Nexus 4 - will not get the latest operating system has come to raise more than a few suspicions.

       And is that while the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Samsung Galaxy S3 postdate the Galaxy Nexus , featuring more powerful technical profiles , official confirmation from Samsung , or receipt of sufficient evidence prior to the announcement , which would give paid to that possibility , which would eventually be taken as good news for the users of these terminals.

      Among the innovations that holds the presence of Android 4.4 on mobile where you install include several aspects such as the constant availability of the virtual advisor Google Now (only would have to say " Ok , Google " without need to launch the corresponding application, so that take note of our requests ) , the ability to identify the perpetrator of a call to receive (whether or not it in the directory) or the option to capture video of what is displayed on the screen ( although this is , in principle, a benefit reserved for developers). Other additions in the new interface of the system, although Samsung mobile users can not enjoy it because the South Korean integrates its own layer (called TouchWiz ) ​​.

