วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung Galaxy S5, ready to reclaim the throne

    -Samsung Galaxy S5 could be presented in early 2014, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

   - Rumors point to a 64-bit processor, 4 GB of RAM and 16-megapixel camera ISOCELL.

  - Confirmed these features could be the best phone of the moment.

    When earlier this year Samsung introduced the Galaxy S4, this became quite an object of desire, and in fact became one of the best phones of 2013. But as the months passed and after the arrival of new smartphones like the LG G2, the Xperia Z1, the iPhone 5S or even the Nexus 5, his leadership was seen relegated to the background.

    However, despite this drop in popularity, "the Galaxy S4 has sold over 40 million units, making it the best-selling Samsung device to date", according to the CEO of Samsung, JK Shin.

List of the best phones of 2013

     However, it appears that Samsung will soon regain the lost throne with the launch of its new Samsung Galaxy S5 planned for early 2014.

    The latest leaks suggest that the new Korean company's mobile will be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , one year after the release of S4 , and if the rumors are confirmed this promises to be a truly enviable performance and features .

    The Samsung Galaxy S5 Exynos probably mount a 64-bit processor . The latest Exynos 5420 present in the range Galaxy Note 3 and to show a dramatic performance and power that put them at the top of any benchmark Android . But according to various sources , Samsung is trying to reinforce with the Exynos line 6 series processors , which would be the first to show the 64-bit architecture .

    In fact , Qualcomm seems to already be working on these new 64-bit chips , and it seems that 2014 will be the year that will see 64-bit processors for many Android devices .

    Another feature that could make a cellphone Samsung Galaxy S5 spectacular is the camera. Last week , the Korean company confirmed during a conference in Seoul that would have 16 megapixel camera and sensors would have ISOCELL . This technology allows for better image quality in low light and is said to be better than that BSI sensors used in cameras today .

   While 64-bit processor and camera ISOCELL charge high strength and consistency , RAM generates many more questions . Some claim that could have 3 GB while others opt for bending means 2GB currently are normal on a high-end smartphone , ie 4 GB of RAM. Moreover, variations in the internal memory could reach 128 GB .

    The operating system will be Android, and although it seems that Tizen strong bet for 2014 , the new prime sword Samsung will not risk with this new software, as much we might expect in two versions , one with and one with Tizen Android .

    The screen is another feature with which the Korean giant could surprise . In recent days there is much talk of some plans about a possible AMOLED screen with a resolution ( 2.560.x 1,440 pixels ) WQHD at 560 dpi.

   Will have to wait for official features of the Samsung Galaxy S5 , but it seems that Samsung could recover the lost throne . What do you think?

