วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung and Android increase its dominance in the mobile market - See more at:

    Eight out of ten smartphones sold worldwide in the third quarter of 2013 running under Android, and four in ten are the manufacturer Samsung . Up to this level has already reached the overwhelming dominance of both, according to the latest IDC report .

    Seen by total numbers of units sold , of the more than 261 million smartphones distributed in the third quarter to 211.6 million are Android , representing an 81% market share , compared to 74.9 % in the same period of 2012 - and an increase in sales of 51.3 % between the two annual periods .

    Obviously , any other system lags far behind even in the case of Apple's iOS, with 33.8 million terminals reaches 13 % of the market share , which also means they have lost a point and average percentage share from the third quarter last year ( 14.4 % ), despite having increased sales by 25.6 %.

    Enough is behind Windows Phone , which however has improved its own figures, sales tripled , going from 3.7 million units to 9.5 million. Its share has grown from 2% to 3.6 % , rising from fourth to third. But the difference is so abysmal with the absolute ruler and even the distant bulky pursuer, that what looks like a significant victory itself is reduced to laughable in comparison. Why speak of BlackBerry , have even fallen 41.6 percent in sales.

    " Android and Windows Phone continued to make good progress in the third quarter despite their differences in market share , both have an important success factor : the price, " said Ramon Llamas, research team leader IDC mobile phone . " Both platforms have a selection of equipment available at prices low enough to be affordable for the mass market , and is the mass market that is driving the entire market in the long term. "

    In connection with these statements Ramon Llamas , IDC study shown in the graph illustrated above in the time evolution of the average price of smartphones sold within each operating system , and you can check - in addition to the usual Unlike iOS the rest - , how the operating system of Apple is the only one in which the price has increased in the last quarter .

