วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung and Apple increase its profits mobile

     We knew that the only ones who really make money in the mobile world are Samsung and Apple. However, far from being losing profits to competitors, the two giants are increasing their share of margin. Specifically, the latest study speaks of an average of 109% in profit between the two manufacturers.

    The report from Canaccord Genuity that echoes Apple Insider leaves no good place to any brand outside of Apple and Samsung. It is estimated that Apple company had an operating profit of 56% on their cell phones during the third quarter. Meanwhile, South Korean had a 53%.

     ust on the other side, we find another stab more BlackBerry. The company is the biggest loser with 4% in the mobile business of Motorola Google while 3% did. Nokia, LG and HTC also lose but we are closer to start winning, they stay in a loss of 1%. The only one who stayed with the investment was Sony.

In this regard, T. Michael Walkley, analyst at Canaccord Genuity said:

    "With a full quarter of iPhone sales 5s/5c, we anticipate a strong operating profit for Apple during the holidays. Furthermore, we believe that the value of the mobile market is even greater if we consider that we estimate Apple also dominates the tablet world, with some Android manufacturers will report good sales. "

    The study does not speak to other brands like Lenovo, ZTE and Huawei. Chinese manufacturers are making their niche in the market but which are not yet satisfied that we are making money in the mobile sector.

