วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

5 versus the comparative Nexus Galaxy S4

 The S4 Galaxy has almost become an icon among mobile phones, so we compare it with the new Nexus 5

       It's been a while since Samsung revolutionize the mobile landscape with its Galaxy S4 , a terminal that brought many innovations that ran rivers of ink until it got unravel all its secrets. And now falls on the market the highly anticipated Nexus 5, the new Google phone . That is why we wanted to put them face to face to see how technology evolves , despite belonging to different ranges : the Galaxy S4 went for the high end, and the Nexus has done for medium to high , although with amazing mid-range price .

      And the time difference is precisely what has made both terminals are very similar. The differences are found in the processor, the Nexus 5 is much more powerful , and little else. In any case , the Galaxy won as far as the camera , with 5 megapixels more resolution .

       Right now you can get the Nexus for about 350 euros , and the Samsung Galaxy S4 ...Also ! And that went on the market for about 700 euros. And the time and the evolution of technology have made ​​this great mobile to stay a bit outdated compared to other high end that come out.

      But so you can see the detail, as always , we leave then a comparative table with the main parameters facing each other.

