วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung plans to display model with curved edges on

    In factories, South Korean Samsung is said to have finally finalized the development of the so-called triangular display. In contrast to classic curved screens to perform a slightly different function. Bloomberg said that two well-informed sources close to Samsung.

    Samsung has its first ever phone with flexible display presented. Galaxy Round has a display bent around a vertical axis. This model, however, so far not going on the European market, unlike competitive LG G Flex.

    The European market would be prepared but could look model display to be angled slightly differently, and only on the edges, on each side. The resulting strips can be used to display various notifications when the phone is placed in the housing and surely you can think of and lots of other features that could play. Interestingly, the two lines can operate independently, as well as on the remaining, central part of the flat screen.

    The fact that Samsung is preparing this kind of display, we know since 2012. Then introduced a number of concepts, all of which combines the great triangular display technology, called Youm.

