วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung plans to display model with curved edges on

    In factories, South Korean Samsung is said to have finally finalized the development of the so-called triangular display. In contrast to classic curved screens to perform a slightly different function. Bloomberg said that two well-informed sources close to Samsung.

    Samsung has its first ever phone with flexible display presented. Galaxy Round has a display bent around a vertical axis. This model, however, so far not going on the European market, unlike competitive LG G Flex.

    The European market would be prepared but could look model display to be angled slightly differently, and only on the edges, on each side. The resulting strips can be used to display various notifications when the phone is placed in the housing and surely you can think of and lots of other features that could play. Interestingly, the two lines can operate independently, as well as on the remaining, central part of the flat screen.

    The fact that Samsung is preparing this kind of display, we know since 2012. Then introduced a number of concepts, all of which combines the great triangular display technology, called Youm.

Galaxy S5 Release Date Sooner than Expected Cuts Back the Samsung Galaxy S4 Price Tag to $ 50 is Black Friday 2013?

   The Galaxy S4 now sells for only $50 at Radio Shack purportedly for the 2013 Black Friday festivities, immediately sparking rumours that release date for its replacement, the Galaxy S5, is coming a little sooner than expected.

    As the usual case, the Galaxy maker is mum on the matter though Android watchers Could not help but to speculate on the new handset, Which is Gradually Becoming the focus of Sammy fanatics.

    In the meantime, Radio Shack now packs on the most irresistible GS4 promo package to date, Which the retailer dubbed the Trade & Save promotional campaign, Gotta Be Mobile said in a report.

    As the name Implies, buyers will need to bring over the working smartphone and surrender it to secure the Offered deal. Depending on the condition of the handset to be swapped, GS4 bargain hunters can get the phone from $ 50 to $ 90 or even for free, that is if the device will be turning is in a pristine state.

    The promo is already on and should run its full course through the Black Friday week or even beyond. While other retailers will surely include the Galaxy S4 with their respective Black Friday deals, the Radio Shack dangle is the best lure so far for consumers considering that when the Android smartphone debuted in April this year, the contract price require a $200 upfront payment.
The quad-core device now counts tens of millions in total sale, easily becoming one of Samsung's bestselling smartphones.
    There were talks, however, that the GS4 sales movement is slowing down, which should partly explain its shrinking price point. But for some analysts, the trend points to practical inventory clearing, supposedly in preparation for the arrival of a new handset model from the South Korean tech giant.
    The popular consensus would be the Galaxy S5 though earlier reports have indicated that arrival time for the new Samsung hero phone will not happen until the first quarter of 2014. If Samsung is changing its plan and pull off an earlier GS5 launch, no one can tell for now.
   What's certain is the company should be hard at work for its 2014 flagship and some of its killer features were already hinted by Samsung officials.
   The Galaxy S5 is likely to feature 64-bit computing that is served in the quad-core class, unlike that of Apple's iPhone 5S, with 4GB of RAM, a metallic frame and a flexible display screen - using Samsung's YOUM display panel technology - for added durability.
   The latter attribute was seemingly confirmed by a Bloomberg report last week, which claimed that works are currently underway for Samsung to rollout a smartphone with wraparound display or three-sided screen. Target date of outing is pegged for middle part of 2014.
   That release date, however, is not in sync with what analysts believe as the likely Galaxy S5 release date - set between January and March next year.

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Samsung patents a phone with a flexible screen that folds the edges

     It's not the first time that Samsung flirts with curved screens. A few weeks ago, Korea introduced the world to a device called Samsung Galaxy Round, consisting of a slightly curved OLED screen 5.7 inches and with features very similar to the newly introduced Samsung Galaxy Note 3. And while everyone waited impatiently the arrival of the first curved screens on the market, the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Round entailed no revolution in this field. Something else could happen starting next year. Some time ago that Bloomberg spoke about the existence of a device with a screen bent edges. The fact is that today, the same media announced that Samsung has been a very similar project in the Patent and Trademark Office United States (USPTO). Optimists tell us that a device with these characteristics could be released in 2014.

    Both bars (one for each edge ) count with a range of additional controls or information points which would complete the primary functions of the smartphone. In fact , the patent , dubbed "Method for the functions of a portable terminal screen operation dubbed " delves into some very specific issues or functions of this phone. For example , according to this patent , the side edges could be used to lock and unlock the device ( sliding your finger ) or to view the status and battery consumption through LEDs . Other cool features that would could be the access to the gallery of photos, the browser and the various folders that have lodged in the terminal. Who knows if the user would be able to access and configure the device functions as needed. In addition , by combining the main menu keys , the user could more quickly access the address book to navigate between your contacts, the various functions for reading electronic books and managing attachments for emails address , among other essential services .

     It is clear that this physical feature could become a great advantage for users of this device (no more to do patent images we already have on the table and we share with you). It would, we doubt, much more useful than the current Samsung Galaxy Round and LG G Flex that just hit the market. Keep in mind, in any event, Samsung announced recently that half the work of his teams is completely focused on the research and development of new software. According to the firm, more than 30,000 people would be studying the launch of new equipment as we observe in the patent. It would not be surprising that this smarpthone hit the market over the next year 2014.


Samsung intends definitely overtake Apple in the mobile world

   After achieving hegemony in the smartphone, Korea now wants to dominate the tablet market.

     Beyond the arduous and costly disputes over technology patents , Samsung is ready to do anything for the benefit of Apple . And after achieving hegemony in the billionaire smartphone market and draw in revenue from its U.S. rival , the Korean company is set a goal to lead the sales of tablets and become
The Samsung executive Shin Jong - kyun said the tablets operations are growing rapidly and that the company will become the largest manufacturer of these devices, but gave no date for that goal , appropriated the AP.

    In that vein, the executive said that sales of Samsung's tablets will exceed 40 million units this year , more than double that in 2012 .

    The words of the executive are consistent if we consider the evolution of the market . According to IDC, in the second quarter of 2012 Samsung 's share was only 7.6 % , compared to 60 % of Apple's iPads . In the same period this year, the Korean and has a 18 % , while rival dropped to 32.5 %.

   Shin was speaking as part of the second session of Samsung with analysts in eight years , which not only promised to dethrone Apple in the mobile world , but also to invest in new technologies and to double its dividend yield .

    According to Reuters , in this " unusual " meeting with analysts Samsung assured investors that are listening to their complaints about the low profitability and poor use of capital.

    But shareholders did not seem to be convinced , with shares falling 2.29 % at the end of the trading day .

Samsung and Android increase its dominance in the mobile market - See more at:

    Eight out of ten smartphones sold worldwide in the third quarter of 2013 running under Android, and four in ten are the manufacturer Samsung . Up to this level has already reached the overwhelming dominance of both, according to the latest IDC report .

    Seen by total numbers of units sold , of the more than 261 million smartphones distributed in the third quarter to 211.6 million are Android , representing an 81% market share , compared to 74.9 % in the same period of 2012 - and an increase in sales of 51.3 % between the two annual periods .

    Obviously , any other system lags far behind even in the case of Apple's iOS, with 33.8 million terminals reaches 13 % of the market share , which also means they have lost a point and average percentage share from the third quarter last year ( 14.4 % ), despite having increased sales by 25.6 %.

    Enough is behind Windows Phone , which however has improved its own figures, sales tripled , going from 3.7 million units to 9.5 million. Its share has grown from 2% to 3.6 % , rising from fourth to third. But the difference is so abysmal with the absolute ruler and even the distant bulky pursuer, that what looks like a significant victory itself is reduced to laughable in comparison. Why speak of BlackBerry , have even fallen 41.6 percent in sales.

    " Android and Windows Phone continued to make good progress in the third quarter despite their differences in market share , both have an important success factor : the price, " said Ramon Llamas, research team leader IDC mobile phone . " Both platforms have a selection of equipment available at prices low enough to be affordable for the mass market , and is the mass market that is driving the entire market in the long term. "

    In connection with these statements Ramon Llamas , IDC study shown in the graph illustrated above in the time evolution of the average price of smartphones sold within each operating system , and you can check - in addition to the usual Unlike iOS the rest - , how the operating system of Apple is the only one in which the price has increased in the last quarter .

Samsung Galaxy S5, ready to reclaim the throne

    -Samsung Galaxy S5 could be presented in early 2014, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

   - Rumors point to a 64-bit processor, 4 GB of RAM and 16-megapixel camera ISOCELL.

  - Confirmed these features could be the best phone of the moment.

    When earlier this year Samsung introduced the Galaxy S4, this became quite an object of desire, and in fact became one of the best phones of 2013. But as the months passed and after the arrival of new smartphones like the LG G2, the Xperia Z1, the iPhone 5S or even the Nexus 5, his leadership was seen relegated to the background.

    However, despite this drop in popularity, "the Galaxy S4 has sold over 40 million units, making it the best-selling Samsung device to date", according to the CEO of Samsung, JK Shin.

List of the best phones of 2013

     However, it appears that Samsung will soon regain the lost throne with the launch of its new Samsung Galaxy S5 planned for early 2014.

    The latest leaks suggest that the new Korean company's mobile will be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , one year after the release of S4 , and if the rumors are confirmed this promises to be a truly enviable performance and features .

    The Samsung Galaxy S5 Exynos probably mount a 64-bit processor . The latest Exynos 5420 present in the range Galaxy Note 3 and to show a dramatic performance and power that put them at the top of any benchmark Android . But according to various sources , Samsung is trying to reinforce with the Exynos line 6 series processors , which would be the first to show the 64-bit architecture .

    In fact , Qualcomm seems to already be working on these new 64-bit chips , and it seems that 2014 will be the year that will see 64-bit processors for many Android devices .

    Another feature that could make a cellphone Samsung Galaxy S5 spectacular is the camera. Last week , the Korean company confirmed during a conference in Seoul that would have 16 megapixel camera and sensors would have ISOCELL . This technology allows for better image quality in low light and is said to be better than that BSI sensors used in cameras today .

   While 64-bit processor and camera ISOCELL charge high strength and consistency , RAM generates many more questions . Some claim that could have 3 GB while others opt for bending means 2GB currently are normal on a high-end smartphone , ie 4 GB of RAM. Moreover, variations in the internal memory could reach 128 GB .

    The operating system will be Android, and although it seems that Tizen strong bet for 2014 , the new prime sword Samsung will not risk with this new software, as much we might expect in two versions , one with and one with Tizen Android .

    The screen is another feature with which the Korean giant could surprise . In recent days there is much talk of some plans about a possible AMOLED screen with a resolution ( 2.560.x 1,440 pixels ) WQHD at 560 dpi.

   Will have to wait for official features of the Samsung Galaxy S5 , but it seems that Samsung could recover the lost throne . What do you think?

Samsung and Apple increase its profits mobile

     We knew that the only ones who really make money in the mobile world are Samsung and Apple. However, far from being losing profits to competitors, the two giants are increasing their share of margin. Specifically, the latest study speaks of an average of 109% in profit between the two manufacturers.

    The report from Canaccord Genuity that echoes Apple Insider leaves no good place to any brand outside of Apple and Samsung. It is estimated that Apple company had an operating profit of 56% on their cell phones during the third quarter. Meanwhile, South Korean had a 53%.

     ust on the other side, we find another stab more BlackBerry. The company is the biggest loser with 4% in the mobile business of Motorola Google while 3% did. Nokia, LG and HTC also lose but we are closer to start winning, they stay in a loss of 1%. The only one who stayed with the investment was Sony.

In this regard, T. Michael Walkley, analyst at Canaccord Genuity said:

    "With a full quarter of iPhone sales 5s/5c, we anticipate a strong operating profit for Apple during the holidays. Furthermore, we believe that the value of the mobile market is even greater if we consider that we estimate Apple also dominates the tablet world, with some Android manufacturers will report good sales. "

    The study does not speak to other brands like Lenovo, ZTE and Huawei. Chinese manufacturers are making their niche in the market but which are not yet satisfied that we are making money in the mobile sector.